If you are gluten intolerant or have Celiac disease you know all too well about
accidentally ingesting gluten. This is known as being glutened. It affects people
in different ways, from extremely sick to just a stomach ache. However, it affects
the gut the same in everyone, causing inflammation and damage to the intestines.
So what do you do to help yourself once you have been glutened.
Here are some tips to get the gluten out of your system quick. Once it is out, you will feel
1. Fluids will help flush your system and keep you hydrated if you are vomiting or have
diarrhea. Try water or any type of gatorade, which contains electrolytes.
2. You can decrease inflammation which is essential to healing your gut. You can do this
by taking ginger, which acts as an anti inflammatory in the body. It also has anti nausea
properties and can ease your stomach. You can add turmeric to a smoothie, this is also
known to have anti inflammatory results. Lastly, add fish oils, flax or chia seeds daily
for a week after eating gluten to help with the gut. These together will help with the
inflammation and get you recovered from getting glutened.
3. Nearly 70% of our immune system is in our gut. Having a healthy gut is important for
optimal health. So after being glutened you need to heal your gut. I will list some ways
to achieve this. Some feel probiotics a week after can help heal the gut. You just need
to make sure they are certified gluten free. You can take L- glutamine, an amino acid
that is great for repairing damage to the gut. There is also bone broth, a very high
anti inflammatory that helps heal the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.
So these are the steps you can take and should know in the case of being glutened.
If implemented right away, you will heal and feel better soon. As always follow up with
your doctor as needed.
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