Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 1 Of 2 You Have A Gluten Intolerance

Gluten can physically damage the small intestine in people
with Celiac disease.  A gluten intolerance is a more subtle
sensitivity diagnosed after exclusion of Celiac disease.

Here are 3 of 6 common signs and symptoms of gluten

1. You have an autoimmune disease.  There are more than
80 types, characterized by which tissues or organs are damaged.
Gluten intolerance is more likely in those with an auto immune

2.  You have a know food intolerance.  Food sensitivity is
said to affect up to 10% of people.
There is evidence that indicates it is common for someone
with a food intolerance to also be sensitive to gluten.

3.  You always experience abdominal pain and bloating.
Abdominal bloating is characterized by tight and swollen
abdominal region.  This occurs due to excess gas involved
with digestion. 

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