Tuesday, April 25, 2017

5 Facts About Celiac Day 1

Celiac disease is when the small intestine is
hypersensitive to gluten, leading to difficulty
in digesting food.  Here are 5 facts about
Celiac disease.

1. There are more than 200 known symptoms
of the disease which may occur in the digestive
system or other parts of the body.

2. Some people develop Celiac disease in
childhood, others as an adult.  The reason
for this is still unknown.

3.  First degree relatives, whether or not they
are experiencing symptoms, should be screened,
since there is a 1 in 10 risk of developing the

4.  It is estimated that 80% of the people with
Celiac are undiagnosed.

5.  In classic Celiac disease, people have signs
and symptoms of malabsorption, and weight loss
or lack of growth in children.

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