Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Last Day What Happens To Your Body When You Cut Out Gluten

I will say, my son has experienced all of
these when he went gluten free.  It took
about 1 year, till he felt completely better.
Here are just a few more things that may
happen, just so you know and are ready.

5.  Your energy levels will spike.  After
going gluten free, you will be putting less
strain on your gut, leading to increase in
energy levels.

6.  Your other food allergies may disappear.
If there is so much damage to your small
intestine, lactase may not be produced.  This
leads to lactose intolerance.  Once you go
gluten free, the gut slowly repairs itself, and
you just may produce lactase again.

7.  Your weight may change.  Now that gluten
is removed from your diet, your weight may
change.  You need to reach for healthy foods,
naturally gluten free, like fruits and vegetables.
Many gluten free packaged foods are high
in fat and calories.  The key is balance.

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