Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Opps I Have Been Gluten Day

With the holidays coming fast, there will be a lot of food
and with that comes a chance of being glutened.  Here are
a few tips to help you if this happens to you.

1.  Drink lots of water, this will help flush out your system.
2.  Take a digestive enzyme following your exposure to
gluten.  Take it with every meal for a few days.
3.  Use activated charcoal.  This may be helpful and can
be found at a vitamin store.
4.  Fast for a day or 2, only having liquids. 
5.  Rest if you can.  Sleeping may help heal your body
6.  Drink tea, this can help with digestion.
7.  Use probiotics for about a week after being glutened.

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