Thursday, June 18, 2020

Six Common Reasons You Have Too Much Gas

Although it is perfectly normal to feel bloaty
with gas sometimes, excessive gas can be

1.  You are ingesting too much gas
This can be caused by chewing gum, or breathing
through your mouth while you sleep.  Other ways
are drinking carbonation, smoking and eating too
2.  High Fiber foods

Certain foods high in fiber such as whole grains,
cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts can cause
gas in many people.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

FDA Relaxes Food Labeling Rules During Covid-19

Usually, when a food manufacturer makes an ingredient change,
they must produce a new label for all the changed products.
However, Covid-19 has changed that for now.  The Food and
Drug Administration is relaxing some labeling requirements
for certain ingredients in food in the U.S.

The move will give food manufacturers the ability to make
small changes without making label changes.  That may mean
adding, omitting, or blending ingredients to meet the
product needs.

The guidance states that ingredients used as substitutes should
not alter any voluntary nutrient or health claim, such as gluten

The safety, claims, and prominence section of the guidance
specifically states that no gluten ingredient can be used
as a substitute for a gluten free ingredient.

For more information, questions and answers, read the
FDA's page on food safety and the Coronavirus Disease