Thursday, June 18, 2020

Six Common Reasons You Have Too Much Gas

Although it is perfectly normal to feel bloaty
with gas sometimes, excessive gas can be

1.  You are ingesting too much gas
This can be caused by chewing gum, or breathing
through your mouth while you sleep.  Other ways
are drinking carbonation, smoking and eating too
2.  High Fiber foods

Certain foods high in fiber such as whole grains,
cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts can cause
gas in many people.

3.  Eating large portions

Just like eating too much fiber, eating large amounts
of fatty meals can lead to gas.  These large portions
will take longer to digest leading to bloating.

4.  Food allergies

As we age, some people may develop food allergies.
Your body may start to reject certain foods, leading
you to feel gassy, and bloaty.

5.  Lack of exercise

Failing to walk or exercise some, after a meal
can lead to gas.  To help your body digest
food better, go for a walk after your meals.

6.  Gastrointestinal complications.

Gas can be a sign of certain complications in your
digestive tract.  Conditions such as peptic ulcers,
GERD, celiac disease, can result in excessive gas.

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